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Всенародный исторический депозитарий «Лица победы»

Stéphanie d'Oustrac

Stéphanie d'Ous­trac was born in Rennes in 1974. She is the great-niece of Fran­cis Poulenc and Jacques La Presle.

She was part of the Maîtrise de Bre­tagne chil­dren's choir led by Jean Michel Noël. Her am­bi­tion was to be an ac­tress be­fore she switched to opera. She was a stu­dent of Oleg Afo­nine for nearly a year.

At the Con­ser­va­toire na­tional supérieur de musique et de danse de Lyon she re­ceived the First Prize for Song in 1998 and was spot­ted by William Christie who worked with Les Arts Floris­sants. Under Christie and Marc Minkowski she ex­panded her reper­toire to in­clude Berlioz, Fauré and Brit­ten.

From 1998 to 2002 she ap­peared in "starter roles" in qual­ity pro­duc­tions, and from 2002 the title role as Médée (Marc-An­toine Char­p­en­tier); Armide, Atys (Jean-Bap­tiste Lully); La Péri­c­hole, La belle Hélène (Jacques Of­fen­bach); Car­men (Bizet); Pelléas et Mélisande (Claude De­bussy).

She ap­peared at the Glyn­de­bourne Fes­ti­val Opera. She also reg­u­larly gives cham­ber music con­certs with var­i­ous en­sem­bles (The Pal­adins, The Arpeg­giata, The Berga­m­asco, Il Sem­i­nario Mu­si­cale, Amaryl­lis). She is also a soloist in recital.